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Financial Counseling Center

Take control of your finances. Learn more here.

Clearwater staff person talks to a member about financial education at a Missoula member event in Missoula, MT.

Free Financial Counseling

Your Clearwater membership includes free financial counseling that can help you build a better budget, improve your credit, address financial challenges, and even navigate identity theft issues.

Meet our Financial Counselors

Clearwater’s certified financial counselors can help you take control of your finances and improve your financial well-being.

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Debra Casper

Missoula, Reserve Street Branch

Debra Casper is a Certified Financial Counselor located in Missoula. She received her certification from The Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor program and Credit Union National Association on March 15, 2007.

Debra has 15 years of experience in our lending department, where she’s gained experience with a variety of financial situations. Debra understands the stress and emotions that can come with tough financial decisions and works to create a safe, comfortable environment to help you work through them.

Call Debra at 406-523-3539

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Alana Haynes

Great Falls Branch

Alana Haynes is a Certified Financial Counselor located in Great Falls. She received her certification from The Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor program and Credit Union National Association on September 30, 2022.

She understands how tough financial decisions can create undue stress. She works collaboratively with clients to find solutions that create positive, long-term impact.

Call Alana at 406-493-3577

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Aydemar Guerrero

Bozeman Branch

Aydemar Guerrero is a Certified Financial Counselor located in Bozeman. She received her certification from The Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor program and American's Credit Unions on November 26th, 2024.

Ayde understands that financial decisions can feel overwhelming, but they are essential steps toward achieving your goals. She firmly believes in everyone’s potential to excel financially and is committed to helping you reach your aspirations. Fluent in both Spanish and English, Ayde is enthusiastic about providing you with personalized assistance and guidance.

Call Ayde at 406-493-3409

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Financial Counseling Language Services

We offer financial counseling in a wide variety of languages through our phone-based translation services. You’ll meet in person with one of our financial counselors who will start a conference call with a translator that speaks your language.

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Credit report with score on a desk

Get Your Free Credit Score

View your credit score and report for free at any time, without affecting your credit. Log in to Clearwater Digital Banking from your PC, tablet, or mobile app and tap Show my Score on your Dashboard to register.

Educational Resources

The Difference Between Good and Bad Debt

It’s close to impossible to live without incurring debt, but not all debt is equal. Discover the difference between good and bad debt.
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Which Debt Should You Pay First?

Should you pay off the loan with the lowest balance or the highest rate first? Here are some steps to determine which debt to pay off first.
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Use Your Budget to Decimate Debt

A budget makes it easier to regain control of your finances and decrease your debt. Find out how with the five steps.
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