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Financial Education Center

Explore easy-to-understand articles, videos, and other resources to increase your financial savvy.

Young couple working from home on a tablet in their living room.

What is a Credit Union?

Separate myth from fact about what credit unions are and what they offer.
Learn About Credit Unions

Free Financial Education Resources

Discover Enrich, a free financial education platform offering articles, videos, and courses to help you grow your financial savvy.
Explore Enrich

Discover Your Money Personality

Take our quick assessment to discover your money personality and how it influences your money management.
Take Money Personality Quiz

Credit Score Resource Library

Discover how your credit score truly works and see the impact of applying for a new loan or paying your loan off early.
Start Exploring

How is my credit score calculated?

This interactive tool shows the potential change to your credit score, "What might happen if...."
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How to Dispute a Credit Report Error

This helpful resource walks you through the steps of correcting an error on your credit report.
Learn More
Clearwater staff person talks to a member about financial education at a Missoula member event in Missoula, MT.

Financial Counseling Center

Take control of your debt and your financial future with help from one of our Certified Financial Counselors. As a Clearwater member, you have access to free financial counseling to help you build a budget, (re)build your credit, mitigate fraud or ID theft, and learn how to navigate financial challenges.
Learn More