man and woman standing together in front of house
Refinancing Your Home

Terms that work for you

Apply to refinance your home

Looking to refinance? Our lending staff is here to help, offering a variety of options and the expertise to steer you in the direction that’s best for you.

What Refinancing Can Do for You

Depending on your needs and goals, the current interest rates, and the options available, there are a lot of ways to make your loan work harder and smarter for you.

Adjust your term

Shorten your term from 30 years to 15, and knock that loan out faster — or lengthen the term you have now to lower your monthly bills. There are lots of ways to make your loan work for you.

Change your interest

Maybe you pay variable interest, and you want to lock it into place. Maybe your fixed interest rate is higher than necessary. When you refinance, your rate and type of interest can be changed.

Get cash in your pocket

If the value of your house has risen significantly or if you’ve paid your balance down, a cash-out refinance could put money in your pocket for college, home improvement, you name it.

Refinancing Expertise

Not sure if refinancing is right for you? Never fear — we’re happy to answer your questions and help you determine if now is the right time to refinance, or if you’re better off with the loan you’ve got.

And if you need info about home lending in general, visit our Homeownership Center. You’ll find lots of useful information there on the entire mortgage process — including calculators, FAQ, and a glossary.

Visit our Homeownership Center

One hand is outstretched reaching for a set of keys in front of a new home.

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All loans subject to approval. NMLS #447584. Equal Housing Lender. Insured by NCUA.

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