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Saving at Any Age

Money Doesn’t have to be Taboo

Knowledge is a powerful tool, especially when it comes to money and finances. While talking about money can be awkward for many people, discussing family finances can build strong savings foundations for kids and help you and those you love understand priorities and responsibilities. During America Saves Week, let’s look at how clear and open communication can help everyone boost their financial wellness.

We’re All Students of Finance

Most families don’t like to talk about finances, bills, or savings. But the more you talk about money with family, friends, and experts, the more you and they can learn and grow financially. Talking more openly about money and communicating with your family about bills, budgets, and savings puts everyone on the same page. This can lead to better budgeting, smarter spending, and kids who grow up with added financial know-how. It can also keep you on track with your savings goals.

Don’t forget about your parents — especially as they age. Get a clear picture of their current financial situation. If possible, find out what’s important to them and what they will expect as they get older. After all, you may be the one taking care of their finances in the future.

Clearwater Credit Union has plenty of savings options for the whole family, including youth accounts. Open yours today.

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